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Paul Calder Dental

We absolutely LOVED working with Paul Calder Dental on this exciting branding project! Creating branding guidelines that will be carried forward into all the new marketing material and stationary, and not forgetting the upcoming revamp to the luxury surgery in the Victoria Quarter in Leeds City Centre, was so much fun. Plus,...

Medacs – Blackpool Rocks

Medacs is a medical recruitment company who had a project to deliver for the Blackpool NHS Trust to focus on recruitment of doctors and nurses into the Blackpool area. The marketing campaign was to run over social media, and provide an impactful message and generate high volume interest. Our freehand illustrators and...

Medacs Winter Campaign

Following on from the success of the first #blackpoolrocks campaign, Medacs contacted us to further design quirky cartoons to promote the Blackpool recruitment drive through winter....

Medacs Lancashire Campaign

Following the enormous success of the #BlackpoolRocks campaign, Medacs got in touch to discuss marketing a recruitment drive in Lancashire. Our freehand artists created a series of drawings, each one encompassing something Lancashire is well known for....

Tailift Stay Safe

Tailift Stay Safe is a trademarked product created by Fleet Assess, aimed at reducing the risk of serious injury when loading and unloading from a HGV fitted with a tail lift. The company required a brand identity, website, video and PDF presenter in order to help market the product and increase...

Medacs Step Forward Direct Mail

We were tasked by Medacs to design and manage a direct mail campaign aimed at promoting the recruitment of clinical assessors. From custom illustrations, to the design of the letter through to managing the direct mail distribution, we managed every step of the campaign on their behalf....

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